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Sustainability case study – Coed Lee

Melin Homes have eight properties on the Coed Lee estate. The aim of the project was to improve the energy efficiency of the homes, cut fuel bills for residents and reduce carbon emissions.

Ysgrifennwyd gan Sam

04 Tach, 2022

A photo of some houses on the Coed Lee estate


Melin Homes have eight properties on the Coed Lee estate. The aim of the project was to improve the energy efficiency of the homes, cut fuel bills for residents and reduce carbon emissions.

What we did

Solar PV and External Wall Insulation, new roof and loft insulation.

Breakdown of costs

Optimised Retrofit Project £305,335.78
Melin Planned Budget £87,183.89
Melin Decarb Budget £26,761.15
Eco Funding £9,279.18

We worked with South Wales-based contractors Evolve Home Energy Solutions and Gibsons STS Ltd.

The difference made

Mrs Morgan has been a Melin resident for over 20 years, she loves where she lives and told us how quiet it is, adding the neighbours are lovely, and you can hear the local school children playing at lunch time. She wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.

Mrs Morgan has four children and 12 grandchildren, so her home is very busy all year round. One of her granddaughters even said:

“You need sunglasses to look at the house now Gran, it looks so bright!”

Mrs Morgan stood in front of her doorway

It is so much better, just to look at it, not to mention how much warmer my home feels, and it stays warm, even when the heating is off.

Last winter I had the heating on high all the time, this year it is on so much less, and I don’t have to have the thermostat as high.

Mrs Morgan — Resident of Coed Lee

Meeting with Mrs Morgan has been a pleasure, she was so welcoming and friendly. She kept telling us what a big difference the work had made, how much warmer the house is, thanks to the external wall and loft insulation. After fitting a new roof, we were able to fit solar panels to the house, which will see a reduction in Mrs Morgan’s electricity bills. All residents have been provided with a guide to ensure they can get the most out of their solar PV and are using it correctly.

You can’t underestimate the importance of Welsh Government funding for projects like this, helping the housing sector achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and lowering bills for residents, helping the sector achieve net zero by 2050.

As an organisation we have ambitious plans to improve the energy efficiency of our housing stock, for the benefit of our residents, communities, and the environment.

Spokesperson — Melin Homes

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