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Back to Homeowners

Introduction to homeownership


In the link below is a PDF which contains all the information you need to know about your home, it covers things like repairs, making improvements, antisocial behaviour (ASB), service charges and what to do if you would like to sell your home.

Homebuy properties are where Melin will generally retain an equity stake in the property.

For example, you will own 70% and Melin will retain a 30% share. There are some limited exceptions where the resident owns the whole property.

Market sales

In the link below is a PDF which contains all the information you need to know about your home. it covers things like repairs, making improvements, anti-social behaviour, service charges and what to do if you would like to sell your home.

These are properties that have been sold on the open market. Melin has no financial stake in them.

Right to Buy or Right to Acquire

In the link below is a PDF which contains all the information you need to know about your home, it covers things like repairs, making improvements, anti-social behaviour, service charges and what to do if you would like to sell your home.

These are properties sold under either the Right to Buy or Right to Acquire Schemes.

Shared ownership

In the link below is a PDF which contains all the information you need to know about your home, it covers things like repairs, making improvements, anti-social behaviour, service charges and what to do if you would like to sell your home.

The owner will own a specified percentage of the property and have a mortgage to cover it. The owner will pay a rent to Melin for the percentage of the property that Melin owns.