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Sheltered scheme repairs

Repair responsibilities

The information on this page provides a general overview of the repair obligations of both Melin and the leaseholder. It also covers improvements that can be made to your home.

If you are in any doubt about repairs or improvements, please refer to your lease in the first instance. A more detailed breakdown of repair responsibilities specific to each scheme is available below.

Our responsibilities

Melin are responsible for the exterior and communal parts of the building and certain repairs inside flats. These responsibilities include:

  • Repairing and maintaining foundations;
  • Electrical cables;
  • Sockets and switches;
  • Heating system;
  • Water pipes;
  • All drains except blockages that are an individual leaseholder’s responsibility;
  • Roof;
  • Communal aerials;
  • Front doors to flats (including ironmongery);
  • Ceiling rose/light batten holder;
  • All windows;
  • Structure of external walls;
  • Decorating communal areas including external parts of the building.
We will:
  • give reasonable notice when we need to gain access (although this may not be possible in an emergency);
  • fulfil our duties under the terms of the lease.
You must:
  • permit access to your home to relevant Melin staff and subcontractors. Please ask for appropriate ID;
  • report repairs to Melin;
  • keep internal doors, walls, service pipes, kitchen utilities, baths, sinks, toilets and wash hand basins in good working order;
  • not carry out any structural works or alternations until you have written consent.
You can:
  • redecorate the interior of your flat and replace fittings within your property such as baths, sinks and kitchen units.


If you want to make improvements, you should tell us, and provide as much detail as possible. You should also let us see any plans if necessary. Having obtained consent, you must still comply with any planning and building regulations and the current requirements of the gas, water and electricity companies together with any conditions we specify.

We may wish to inspect the works on completion and any costs incurred will be charged to you.

In some cases, we may not be able grant permission for improvements. We will let you know in writing the reason permission is refused.