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A Royal invitation for Vice Chair of the Residents’ Panel

Mark Gibbons, Vice Chair of the Residents’ Panel has received a very special invitation recently; to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.

Written by Marcus

12 May, 2016

Mark Gibbons

Mark Gibbons, Vice Chair of the Residents’ Panel has received a very special invitation recently; to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. Every summer, The Queen hosts three Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace as a way of recognising and rewarding public service. People from across the UK are invited to the royal event each year, and are selected for major contributions to life in the community or for providing an exceptional service.

Mark was invited as a thank you because of his devotion to volunteering and recognition of his prowess in carriage driving. The party will take place on Tuesday 24th May, and will be hosted by Her Majesty The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh and other members of the Royal Family. Guests are free to eat, drink and stroll around the Palace gardens, while the Queen and other Royals circulate, talking to guests and learning more about the communities they come from.

Mark said that he felt honoured to be invited, and is really excited about the event; “I am looking forward to meeting Her Majesty and representing the Residents’ Panel. It’s not about me but about the people we help, I volunteer because I want to help people have a voice in their community” he said. We will be catching up with Mark after the party to find out all about it!

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