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Don’t let your community project miss out

Community projects in Gwent have until Friday to apply to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for a share of £250,000 in cash seized from criminals and from the sale of unclaimed found property.

Written by Sam

23 Jan, 2017

PCC Awards logo

The clock is ticking and applicants only have until 4pm on Friday 27th January 2017 to submit their bids for a share of the cash from Gwent PCC Jeff Cuthbert’s Partnership Fund. The grant scheme is funded by the proceeds of crime awarded to the police and from the sale of unclaimed found property. It is open for bids from charities, voluntary organisations and community groups involved in activities that have a positive impact on their communities whilst at the same time contributing towards delivering the Commissioner’s priorities.

Each group will be able to apply for between £250 up to £10,000 from the £250,000 available and will need to demonstrate how their project will deliver against the Commissioner’s police and crime priorities which are:

  • Crime Prevention;
  • Supporting Victims;
  • Community Cohesion, and;
  • Dealing with Anti-social behaviour.

Since the Partnership Fund was launched by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent three and a half years ago by the first Commissioner, nearly £750,000 has been awarded to nearly 250 community projects across the Force area. The money has been seized from criminals who have been ordered to pay back their ill-gotten gains from activities such as organised crime and drug dealing.

Specifically for 2017-18, the fund is aimed primarily towards projects that focus on crime prevention, community cohesion (communities working together / groups from or working with ethnic minorities) and protecting vulnerable people (e.g. mental health/disability/the elderly or children and young people). The Commissioner is also proactively welcoming applications for projects that are delivered through the medium of Welsh or are bilingual.

Some of the projects funded through the previous round of the Commissioner’s Partnership Fund include:

  • £5,000 for the Vision of Hope Animal Assisted Therapy project in Gilwern, Monmouthshire, to buy more equipment for the farm where they support young people with substance misuse issues and ex-offenders and;
  • £3,000 for the Newport Street Pastors to purchase new equipment and uniforms for their volunteers so that they can continue their work on Friday and Saturday nights in being a calming influence in the streets of the city and assisting vulnerable people to make their way home safe.

The electronically downloadable application form and accompanying guidance notes for applicants are available on the Gwent PCC website. Hard copies can also be obtained by emailing the Commissioner’s office directly on or calling 01633 642 200. The closing date for receipt of the application form is4pm on Friday 27th January 2017.

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