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Dragons Deliver

If you're a Melin resident who is self-isolating and need of shopping or medication picking up, then Dragons Deliver may be able to help.

Written by Sam

13 May, 2020

Dragons stadium and dragons deliver logo

If you're a Melin resident who is self-isolating Dragons Deliver may be able to help. Players and staff at Dragon’s Rugby have been showing true community spirit throughout the Covid-19 crisis by delivering medicines to vulnerable people who are shielding.

Thanks to our fantastic partnership with Dragons' Community team they are now offering to do the same for Melin residents in self-isolation. So, if you, or someone you know has become house-bound through illness or is self-isolating and needs help to get prescriptions filled or shopping delivered please email

If you are symptom-free and would like to volunteer to help Dragons Deliver you can email Mike on the above address.

Find out more by following @DRA_Community on Twitter or visit their website.

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