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Energy advice and smart meters

Research published in July 2016 by National Energy Action, Cymru has shown that despite fuel poor households decreasing by 6% in the last four years an estimated 29,000 people are still in fuel poverty.

Written by Fiona

10 Nov, 2016

Energy advice and smart meters

Research published in July 2016 by National Energy Action, Cymru has shown that despite fuel poor households decreasing by 6% in the last four years an estimated 29,000 people are still in fuel poverty.

If you spend 10% or more of your income on energy costs you are considered to be fuel poor. If you spend 20% or more of your income then you are in severe fuel poverty.

We have set up an energy advice team who can help you check if you are on the best tariff for your gas and electricity, they can show you some simple and easy ways to save energy and money around the home.

One way of keeping better control of energy bills and how much energy you are using is through the installation of a smart meter. Smart meters are the new generation of gas and electricity meters, which will replace the traditional meters in our homes.

The benefits of having a smart meter fitted are:

  • Bills will be accurate not estimated;
  • Regular meter readings will be shared directly with your energy supplier, meaning no more manual meter readings;
  • You will receive an in-home display, which shows exactly how much energy you’re using, as you use it, and what it is costing in pounds and pence.

Why not watch the Gaz and Leccy video and get yours under control.

You can download free resources at the Smart Energy GB website to help promote the smart meter rollout.

If you would like an energy advisor to visit you please contact us and we can arrange a visit.

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