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Help us shape our services for the next five years

We know that our customers are the best people to help us shape and improve our services. You know exactly where we get it right and where we can make improvements. We are now planning for the next five years (2023 to 2027) and we want you to share your views and tell us what you think we need to focus on.

Written by Fiona

30 May, 2022

An illustration of five stars

What you’ve already told us

We already have lots of feedback from our customers; from the recent STAR survey, customer satisfaction surveys and when you speak to our staff. Here is what you’ve already told us:

What we do well

  • You say you are pleased with our planned maintenance (e.g. replacing kitchens, gas and electrical servicing).
  • New residents tell us they are happy with the standard of their home when they move in. 
  • People moving into our new build homes say they are happy with the process of signing them up as tenants and with the quality of their new home.  
  • You tell us that the call handlers you speak to when you phone us are helpful, polite, kind and understanding. 

What we could do better

  • Our maintenance and repairs service can be slow and communication could be better.
  • You tell us that you’re not as happy with your neighbourhood as a place to live due to the conduct of residents of other landlords. 
  • You don’t think that our service charges provide good value for money. 
  • When you use digital methods (for example email) to contact us, you are less satisfied with the outcome than if you were to contact us by phone.

Opportunities for the future

  • Make your neighbourhood a better place to live.
  • Making running your home more affordable.
  • Maintenance and repairs – we used to do this better. What has changed? 
  • What can we do to make you feel better listened to? 
  • Improve digital communication.

Obstacles, things that might stand in our way of making the changes you want to see

  • Cost of living pressures on our residents.
  • The cost of making our homes more energy efficient.  
  • Government pressures.
  • Rises in the cost of borrowing.
  • Rising cost of materials needed to build new homes and repair on existing homes.
  • Difficulty recruiting skilled workforce.

So what now?

Fill in our form

We’d like you to tell us what you think by completing our online form. There are just six questions to answer. The survey will be open during the month of June 2022.

Click this link to take the survey.

Join a drop-in session

Or you can come and chat to us in person. For information on our drop-in sessions and where you can find one near you, check our Events article.

By phone

You can also phone us – When you contact us one of our operators will ask if you would like to take part in our shaping the future survey.

If you would like us to call you so you can chat to us about it, please get in touch.

Come and chat to us online

30th June 5–5.30pm on Facebook Live – simply join our Facebook page on this date and ask us questions or feedback your thoughts.

6th July 5–7pm on Zoom – drop us an email for the details

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