Helping residents into work
We had a fantastic response to the employment stories we shared with you in the summer, so we wanted to highlight another set of Melin residents who have made massive strides in their lives and made some fantastic progress in their career and professional development. Perhaps they can inspire you to take your next career step…
Written by Will
—28 Sept, 2022

Dafydd and Paula from Melin are great! I would recommend them as they go out of their way to help you. They also make you believe you can achieve absolutely anything! Thank you so much for helping me I'm so much financially better off working and much happier.
Joanne Booth
From: Newport
Background: Joanne was a full-time student with childcaring responsibilities who needed work at the end of her academic year because as a student she was not entitled to any benefits.
How we helped: We helped Joanne with her job searches and interview preparation. We also helped Joanne with some food vouchers whilst she waited for her first month’s salary to be paid.
Where are they now: Joanne successfully secured a full time job with SRS Newport and is in a far more financially sustainable position than before.
I’m extremely grateful for the help I received from the employment team as without their timely support, starting work would’ve been a real struggle.
Chanel Williams
From: Monmouthshire
Background: Chanel has two children and found herself unemployed after her second child was born. A young family and isolation due to the pandemic made finding work challenging for Chanel.
How we helped: We gave Chanel some support with her CV and the interview process. We also assisted with some shopping vouchers and support with her first month of travel expenses to help Chanel get through to her first pay day with a new emplpoyer.
Where are they now: Chanel was successful in getting a job as a civilian administrator with Gwent Police. Her confidence has increased and now she has a role with a great employer and a routine that works for her and her family.
The support from Melin was a great help due to the current fuel costs of travelling to work. I didn’t think we would qualify for any support as we’re not on any benefits, so the support from Melin is greatly appreciated.