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Jump2 Fund donate over £4k to local community projects since August

The Jump2 Fund provides grants of up to £250 (Jump2) or £1,000 (Jump2+) for projects and activities which benefit residents, their families and communities.

Written by Marcus

25 Nov, 2016

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Since August we have donated over £2,000 to 8 local community groups and clubs via our Jump2 Fund. Donations have included a football kit for RTB Ebbw Vale under 16s, kit for Ebbw Vale netball club, reflexology sessions for carers, pitch markers & first aid kits for The Race AFC, funding to enable 2 people to complete their WRU UKCC Level One Rugby coaching qualifications, a small photocopier for Newport Family Centre, and two new electric cookers for a Llantilio Pertholey school.

We also given five residents a cash boost totalling £2381.58 to help them further their education or build their skills. The Jump2 Bursary donations have been used for college courses, study aids and a laptop.

The Jump2 Fund provides grants of up to £250 (Jump2) or £1,000 (Jump2+) for projects and activities which benefit residents, their families and communities. Local groups interested in applying for this funding should email and visit our Jump2 page for further information.

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