Litter picking fun
We had a fantastic day in Newport after some of our young residents asked if we could support a litter pick in their area. How could we say no? We loaded up our minibus with all our litter picking equipment and arranged a date. We took the opportunity to invite staff members from across the organisation including our, Communities, Neighbourhood and Community Safety teams.
Written by Fiona
—12 Aug, 2022

It was fantastic to see so many of our youngsters come and help clear the area of rubbish, they worked incredibly hard supported by staff and collected nearly four full bags of rubbish. The sun shone down on us and the smiles on everyone’s faces shows how important engagement events like this are.
Each volunteer from the community will receive a Community Diolch award for all their hard work and as a reward for all their help our young residents were treated to face painting, street games and balloon animals. From now on, residents have said how they will ensure the street stays tidy.

It looks so much better, I have had fun and think I collected the most rubbish!
The engagement event gave staff an opportunity to chat with parents about any issues and concerns they may have and provided everyone with a few hours of free fun.