Local school gets the green bug thanks to Arbed 2 ERDF
Pupils from a Llanelli school created a bug hotel after working with energy efficiency project arbed 2 ERDF, which has surveyed 119 properties in the area to date offering free home improvements to tackle fuel poverty.
Written by Sam
—27 Mar, 2015

After all the help people in the community have received children at Bigyn Primary School decided it was time for the local bugs to get some help. So they spent a fun and educational afternoon building a special bug hotel from recycled materials.
The Welsh Government-backed arbed 2 project is run by Melin Homes’ Being Greener Team and is investing £30m across south Wales to tackle fuel poverty.
Local firms Jistcourt and AIS donated materials and volunteers from Melin Homes and Jistcourt gave their time to help out with the project.
The project links to the school’s curriculum and encourages children to learn more about nature and investigate the outdoors. The bug hotel attracts insects and lets the children see them close up for themselves. A pond, bird tables and bird feeders are also planned over the next few weeks.
Melin’s Being Greener team have been carrying out energy efficiency measures in Tyisha, Llanelli, this has included external wall insulation and has recently extended the scheme to further addresses offering low level measures such as heating controls, boilers, draft proofing and front and back doors.
Welsh Government Minister for Natural Resources Carl Sargeant said: “Welsh Government is investing £70m in 2014/15 in improving the energy efficiency of homes and communities, to tackle fuel poverty, create jobs and growth and support the long term wellbeing of Wales”.
Melin Homes Chief Executive Mark Gardner said: “The Arbed 2 ERDF project has enabled us to put community legacy projects like this one at Bigyn Primary school, at the heart of everything we do.” For more information please contact Sam Muftuoglu, Communications Officer on 01495 745910 or send her an email.