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Meet our apprentices

We are keen to provide training opportunities and at the moment have 10 apprentices working across our Customer Services Department.

Written by Marcus

03 Nov, 2017

Our new apprentices
We are keen to provide training opportunities and at the moment have 10 apprentices working across our Customer Services Department.

Apprenticeships provide a great opportunity for people to learn and build their skills. Our apprentices work with us while they are at college to gain industry recognised skills and they also benefit greatly from spending time with their more experienced colleagues.

A number of our apprentices have been successful and have moved into qualified roles here at Melin and many find full time employment locally in the trade they have trained in.

We currently have 4 gas and plumbing apprentices, 1electrical apprentice, 2 painting apprentices and 3 carpentry apprentices. You may meet them when we are carrying out repairs and services to your home.

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