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Melin Homes appeals to local businesses to take on work placement volunteers

Melin Homes’ employment service, Melin Works, is appealing to local businesses to work with it to provide work placements for residents. Every business that provides a work placement opportunity will have the full support of experienced Melin Employment Officers throughout the placement.

Written by Marcus

30 Sept, 2015

Melin Works

Melin Homes’ employment service, Melin Works, is appealing to local businesses to work with it to provide work placements for residents. Every business that provides a work placement opportunity will have the full support of experienced Melin Employment Officers throughout the placement. Melin Works can pay for travel expenses and any equipment needed for residents to complete the work placement.

Paula Skyrme, Principal Employment Officer at Melin Works said; “We have had great success so far with over 1600 people supported into employment, training or work placement opportunities. However, we are always looking for new local business partners to work with us to help people from the local community into work by giving them valuable work experience. Businesses get volunteers keen to learn and work hard and we are on hand to make sure you and the volunteers get all the support and training needed.”

All potential candidates are vetted and there is no cost to businesses, just staff time and a willingness to help unemployed people in local communities.

For more information contact Paula Skyrme, Principal Employment Officer. Telephone 01495 745910 or email

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