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Merger survey

We asked everyone who lives in one of our homes, which services are important to them and how they think we can improve

Written by Sam

01 Jul, 2024

Picture of two hands preparing to answer a question with happy face sad face etc

In our recent survey about our merger with Newport City Homes we asked everyone who lives in our homes how important each of our services are, and where we can improve.

We heard back from over 1,000 people, across all of our operating areas, including Newport, Blaenau Gwent, Monmouthshire, Torfaen and Powys.

We asked people to rate on a scale from one to ten how important each of our ten services are, including:

  • Support & advice services
  • Specialist services for older/disabled customers
  • Estates and grounds maintenance services
  • Cleaning services
  • Community safety
  • Repairs to your home
  • Income services
  • Housing management services
  • Customer services
  • Customer Engagement

You told us that the services you value the most are:

  • Repairs
  • Community Safety
  • Customer Service

We also asked you to pick the top three services that we could improve, and rank them in order of priority. The results showed that Melin residents and Newport City Homes customers have similar priorities, which is great news!

The services most people ranked first priority for improvement were:

  • Repairs
  • Specialist services for older or disabled people
  • Community safety

Your views will help shape the services of the new organisation when we merge with Newport City Homes, so thank you to all who took part. We will use what you tell us to develop a Promise document, which will outline what you can expect from the new organisation. We’re also holding engagement events in our communities over the summer, and continuing to work with the Join Customer Panel. We’ll share details of any events here on our website and on our social media.

If you want to talk about the merger and how it affects you, you can get in touch with your Independent Tenant Advisor Keith Edwards on 07949 443 039 or by email at

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