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Money Advice team puts £1.4m back into the pockets of residents

Our money advice team has put £1.4million back into the pockets of its residents in the last year, by helping them access benefits, grants and other ways to save money.

Written by Marcus

25 Oct, 2016

Our money advice team has put £1.4million back into the pockets of its residents in the last year, by helping them access benefits, grants and other ways to save money.

This is a £300,000 increase on last year’s figure. The team helped people with personal independence payments, discretionary housing payments, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water bills, fuel debt, pension payments and tax credits. Added to this, the team have been working with residents to manage the continued reforms to the welfare system and how it impacts on resident’s budgets such as Universal Credit. This also includes pension age benefits and grants to help older people.

Claire Pearce-Crawford, Head of the Money Advice team said; “This is nearly £1.5m of extra money into our residents’ pockets, directly helping them to get through tough times and make a real difference to their lives. This help has been particularly important given the huge welfare reforms that have been continuing. Any residents looking for help can contact the Melin Money Advice team on 01495 745910 or email”.

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