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New free energy advice service for residents

Residents are able to access free energy advice and a home energy health check.

Written by Valentino

12 May, 2016

free energy advice

We have launched a new ‘energy advice’ service for residents after successfully delivering Welsh Government Warm Homes, Little by Little project; the fuel poverty project which successfully engaged with 3,500 households across South Wales.

We were so impressed with the results of the project, we have retained the staff to deliver energy advice to Melin residents.

Residents are able to access free energy advice and a home energy health check. Retired couple Mr and Mrs Morris, from Torfaen have already saved £350 a year from their fuel bills after receiving a visit from their energy advice officer. They said “We didn’t realize you could save so much by swapping providers. The process is so simple, we would be silly not to. We have also got some great tips on small changes we can make to save money around the house.”

Melin Homes Chief Executive Mark Gardner said; “It is additional services like this that makes Melin Homes stand out. At a time when families are deciding between heating or eating, services like this are more important than ever and we are proud to go the extra mile to help.”

If you are a Melin resident and would like some energy advice contact us on or text 07781472210 or call 01495 745910.

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