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Paws on Patrol

We have backed a campaign to enlist the help of dog walkers to report crime

Written by Sam

10 Oct, 2016

Paws on Patrol
We have teamed up with a campaign to enlist the help of Torfaen’s dog walkers to report crimes. Paws on Patrol was launched at an event we attended at New Inn Fire Station last Friday and is an initiative between South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Gwent Police and Torfaen County Borough Council.
Paws on Patrol asks dog-owners and walkers to alert them to any crimes they see while out and about.
The purpose of the initiative is to:
• Reduce the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour to occur
• Reduce the fear of crime especially for vulnerable people
• Build a community spirit where dog walkers can contribute towards the
protection of their neighbourhood
Members of our Neighbourhood and Care and Repair teams went to the launch event to back the campaign.
The scheme is not about vigilantes, intervening or getting involved, it is about helping us to identify where there are issues and being able to share information easily and effectively.
Graffiti, dog-fouling, faulty street lights, anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping are just some of the issues the Paws on Patrol members are being urged to keep a look out for.
If you would like to become a member of the scheme you can fill out a registration form from

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