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Top 10 tips for making sure your home is winter ready

Check out our helpful guide for you to get your home winter ready. We've included a few resources and ways to contact us if you need any help.

Written by Fiona

23 Sept, 2020

Illustration of a house in winter
    1. Check your boiler is working properly – if you haven’t had your heating on all summer, switch it back on and make sure the heating comes on. If your boiler doesn’t seem to be working, contact us and we can send someone out to you before the weather changes. Sometimes if you haven’t used your boiler for a while it can lose pressure – this is something you can sort out yourself, watch the video Worcester Bosch have produced which shows you how to repressurise your heating system.
    2. Check your radiators are all working – when you test your heating, check that your radiators are getting hot from top to bottom in every room. If there are any issues with them heating up, or you notice a leak, give us a call to arrange a repair. If any of your radiators aren’t getting warm at the top, you just need to bleed the radiators. You can find out how to bleed a radiator by watching this video from Worcester Bosch.
    3. Check your gutters are clear – blocked drains and gutters can cause property damage when it starts raining heavily. Give us a call and we can arrange to send someone out to take a look.
    4. Check your energy bills and consider switching energy suppliers. There’s no disruption in service; all that happens is that your money goes to a different company when you pay your bill. There are lots of websites that will search for the best deal including Uswitch. If you're struggling with energy bills and need some free energy advice and a home energy health check, contact our energy team by email or text 07781 472210 or call 01495 745910, quoting 'energy'.
    5. Those chilly winter breezes can find their way through the nooks and crannies of your home. Why not get one of those funny draught excluders shaped like a snake or a dog? The National Trust has a great article on their website of how you can make your own.
    6. Avoid flying garden furniture – if the forecast is for high winds some everyday items in the garden can become ‘missiles’. Make sure you secure any items that could cause damage to your home – better to be safe than sorry.
    7. Use heavier curtains. Around 40% of the heat escaping from your home is from uncovered windows. You can stop this by using heavier, lined curtains in winter to properly insulate windows and limit where hot air can get out. This will also block the breeze from getting in. Doing small things like this can make a big difference.
    8. If we are predicated bad weather, it may be a good idea to make sure you have a few essentials. Perhaps a couple of loaves and pints of milk for the freezer, some extra tins of food, tea bags – and don’t forget toilet paper! If you’re making homemade dishes or soups, why not double the quantity and freeze extra portions for emergencies?
    9. The Priority Services Register is a free service provided by Western Power and is eligible for anyone who is of a pensionable age, disabled, has children under five years old or relies on medical equipment.
      As part of the service, customers are kept informed as much as possible of power cuts affecting their home and are given special help, if needed, through the British Red Cross.The Priority Services Register offers peace of mind for vulnerable customers and their families.
      To find out more information or to register, please call Western Power on 0800 096 3080 or visit
    10. Rake up fallen leaves to prevent slippery paths.

This winter we will all be spending more time in our homes, so it will benefit you to get your home winter ready now.

If you are struggling and need extra support or help we have put a handy guide packed full of advice – you can find that here. We also have an advice team who can help you with money and benefit worries, employment support, switching energy suppliers and rent debt. Please don’t suffer in silence we are here for you.

Find all the ways you can contact us on our Contact page.

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