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Universal Credit: The latest in Torfaen

Universal Credit will be 'fully digital' in Torfaen in July.

Written by Marcus

30 May, 2017

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Universal Credit (UC) is a single monthly payment for people in or out of work, which merges together some of the benefits and tax credits that you might be getting now. In July, Torfaen will be on the ‘full digital service’ for UC. This means residents in Torfaen will not be able to claim for their previous benefits as they will all be replaced by UC. This also means the service will be fully online; so making a claim, managing or updating a claim and communications from the DWP will be all online.

If you are claiming UC or need any advice about UC, please contact the Money Advice team by messaging on social media, using the chat facility on our website, email or calling 01495 745910.

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