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Welsh Government Regulatory Judgement

Every year the Welsh Government look at our Governance, Service Delivery and Financial Viability.

Written by Marcus

27 Sept, 2017

Welsh government Housing Regulation

Every year the Welsh Government look at our Governance, Service Delivery and Financial Viability. It then passes a ‘Regulatory Judgement’ on how we are doing. The judgement is designed to give residents and partners an understanding of our financial viability and how well we are performing. Melin has been given a Standard for both areas which is the highest level of assurance Welsh Government can grade.

This grading assures residents and partners that Melin is identifying and managing new and emerging risks appropriately and that we meet viability requirements, having the financial capacity to deal with scenarios appropriately.

You can read the judgement on this PDF. If you have any questions on this judgement then please contact us.

We will shortly be releasing a statement to lenders to highlight the judgement and our finances.

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