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We’ve launched our new Corporate Strategy for 2023–2028

The launch of our strategy follows extensive consultation with our staff, residents and partner organisations. Our new strategy sets out our priorities for the next five years, and the areas we will focus on. Together we can create a shared culture of values, beliefs and behaviours that help guide our work. We take an inclusive, collaborative approach for the benefit of our customers, partners and each other.

Written by Fiona

05 Oct, 2023

A picture of houses with the title Corporate Strategy 2023-2028

Our Vision

Through outstanding individuals and teams, we will do all that we can to support residents to help them live successfully in safe, warm and affordable homes based in vibrant, inclusive and connected communities.

This will be delivered through our four pillars, and key areas of focus:

Our people
Our residents
New homes
Existing homes

Watch our short video which highlights our four pillars and key areas of focus

If you have any questions or would like any more information please get in contact with us

  • Send an email to
  • Talk to us on social media – we’re on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – just search @MelinHomes.
  • Write to us at Customer Feedback, Tŷr Efail, Lower Mill Field, Pontypool, Torfaen NP4 0XJ.
  • Telephone 01495 745910.

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