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We’ve sponsored the South Wales Argus Sports Awards 2020

We are committed to creating thriving communities, a great working culture, services focused on residents, and a programme of new developments. We remain dedicated to listening to and engaging with residents and the communities within which they live.

Written by Fiona

23 Sept, 2020

Young children waving a Newport County flag

We are committed to creating thriving communities, a great working culture, services focused on residents, and a programme of new developments. We remain dedicated to listening to and engaging with residents and the communities within which they live.

When we had the opportunity to be involved in the South Wales Argus Sports Awards, 2020, we jumped at the chance to sponsor the award for Community Club of the Year. We have supported this category for the last few years, and now it is more important than ever to recognise the outstanding contribution to communities – community clubs offer. We know the value of sport in the local community, having been proud partners of Dragons Rugby and Newport County for over eight years.

Our Chief Executive Paula Kennedy said: “We are here to provide homes, but we’re also passionate about creating opportunities for people and communities to thrive. In these difficult times awards for local people and their contribution to sport is something we need to highlight. We are looking forward to the awards, and hope everyone who has been nominated celebrates virtually on the 5th November.”

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