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Dog fouling

We all love our pets and we are a nation of animal lovers, but it is really important that if your pet fouls, you pick it up and dispose of the waste correctly.

If you own or are in charge of a dog, it is your responsibility to pick up after it in any public space.

Concerns that relate to dog fouling in a public space like a pavement or a park, will fall under the responsibility of the local authority’s environmental health team. They will investigate the matter and potentially issue a fine if there is evidence to support that an offence has taken place.

Should there be concerns about dog fouling on land or property owned by Melin, we will work closely with the local authority’s environmental health team to address this issue. When there is evidence to support that a Melin resident is committing these offences, we’ll take proportionate measures to prevent any future occurrences.

If the dog fouling occurred on private property (for example, on a private homeowner’s garden), it becomes a civil matter between the parties involved. In these situations, while Melin has no direct authority, we understand these issues can be delicate and frustrating. We can offer our confidential mediation service to help find a constructive and amicable solution.

Dangerous dogs

Under the law, any dog (regardless of breed) can be considered dangerous if it is not kept under control. The dog doesn’t have to bite anyone; it could just display aggressive behaviours that causes someone to feel in fear of their safety.

If you are in fear of your safety, or anyone else’s, please contact the police immediately to report the dangerous dog.

Regarding XL Bully dogs, from the 1st of February 2024 it will be a criminal office to own an XL Bully dog in England and Wales unless the dog owner has a Certificate of Exemption for their dog(s). If you suspect that a Melin resident owns an XL Bully dog, please be aware that this is a police matter due to the ban on the breed. We encourage you to report your concerns directly to the police by dialling 101 or completing the online form found on their website. This ensures that the matter will be logged and investigated.

Once you have reported it to the police, please contact us with the police incident number. We will then be able to contact them, and work with them and you to agree the next steps.

Animal noise

It's natural for dogs to bark. Although, it can be annoying and upsetting when it happens often and for long periods of time, dog barking is only considered Anti-social behaviour if it is persistent.

This means the noise needs to be a frequent, daily occurrence, with continuous periods of barking.

We would suggest you try to speak to your neighbour first. They may not be aware their dog is causing a disturbance (particularly if they are not at home during the day when the dog is barking).

If you don't feel comfortable about approaching your neighbour, or you have tried and the situation hasn't improved, you should contact your local authority's environmental health team.

If the dog barking is not considered antisocial behaviour, we can offer to refer you and neighbour to our confidential mediation service to help you find a constructive and amicable solution.

If you have concerns about the welfare of a pet, you should contact the RSPCA.

Responsible ownership

The law requires all dogs to be microchipped with the correct owner details. This helps keep dogs safe and can help you to find your dog if it gets lost.

The owner of an out-of-control dog can be fined. Uncontrolled animals which are allowed to roam the street unsupervised should be reported to your local authority.

If you have any concerns regarding the welfare of the animal, please contact the RSPCA.

If the animal is dangerously out of control and you are concerned for your safety or that of others, contact the police immediately.