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Drug use and drug dealing

Drug use and drug dealing is a criminal offence. You need to report it to the police.

Whilst we do want to tackle nuisance behaviour, as a landlord we are limited in how we can respond to criminal activity. This includes personal drug use, such as cannabis being smoked in a person’s home.

While the use of cannabis remains a criminal offence, it will be for the police to take the lead and Melin with will work alongside them offering our support and assistance where we can.

Once your concern has been reported to the police, please contact us with the details of the incident, the police incident number and if possible, the name of the officer who is dealing with the matter. We will then determine whether action can be taken by us.

If you wish to report criminal behaviour anonymously, you can also contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

If the situation is not an emergency, but requires police advice and intervention, please call 101 or report it online through Gwent Police website.

Remember: if there is an immediate emergency and you or anyone else is danger, please call 999.


Cuckooing is when a drug dealer or a gang takes over a vulnerable adult’s address for criminal purposes, usually as a site to supply, store or produce drugs.

Gangs will exploit an individual’s vulnerabilities in order to make a profit and avoid police detection. Cuckooing is often seen as a part of county lines criminality which involves drug gangs exploiting children and vulnerable adults.

The victims of cuckooing are often:

  • Those who suffer from drug and/or alcohol addiction
  • Those who are struggling financially
  • The elderly
  • People with mental health issues
  • People with learning disabilities.

If you know someone who is being cuckooed, contact the police. If you suspect that cuckooing is taking place in one of our properties, you should also report it to us.

If you are a victim of cuckooing yourself, tell someone – a family member, a friend, a colleague, or the police.