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Back to Antisocial behaviour


Group disturbances

If the behaviour is of a criminal nature or you have concerns for your safety, you need to report this to the police immediately.

Once you have reported the incident to the police, you can contact us to report the antisocial behaviour to our Community Safety Team.

Young people playing/ball games

We would not consider this to be antisocial behaviour. Young people do have a right to play and interact with other youngsters; play is crucial to a child’s development and should be encouraged.

Football and ball games in themselves are not antisocial or illegal. In many cases young people may be unaware they are causing other people distress.

Please consider the following before making a complaint:

  • Young people do have a right to play, especially in their own neighbourhood.
  • Parents/guardians may wish their young children to play near to home for their own safety.
  • It is reasonable to expect a certain level of noise from children/youths playing after school, at weekends and in the evening.
  • Shouting, cheering, and laughing are to be expected on public open space/playing fields and is not normally considered a noise nuisance.
  • “No ball games” signs on public space are a request not a byelaw – they cannot be enforced.
  • It is not illegal to play football on a grassed verge or open space.
  • There may be only one grassed area for younger children to play safely in their own neighbourhood.
  • Sometimes it is better for young people to divert their energies into playing sport rather than doing other things.
  • Compromise and speak to your neighbours to find an agreeable time and location to play.
  • Open spaces are for the use of everyone, including children and young people.
  • Young people hanging around talking, laughing and not causing a disturbance is not antisocial behaviour.

If you experience damage to your property as a result of children playing, then you should report it to the police and to us.

Obstructive parking

We should all do our best to park politely, using bays where we can and not causing any obstructions or hindrances to the road, accesses, and pavement.

If your neighbour parks in a way that hinders or blocks the access to your home, or allocated parking space, start by speaking to them first. They may be unaware that their actions are causing you a problem.

If this does not resolve the issue, you can contact us and we can contact your neighbour. It may be that your neighbour, or their visitors, are unaware of parking arrangements. This can be the case when residents are new to the area.

However, if the vehicle is on a public highway and breaching local parking regulations, you can contact your local authority who may be able to issue a Penalty Charge Notice.


Vandalism, such as property damage or graffiti, is an offence of criminal damage and should be reported to the police.

It is usually your local council’s responsibility for dealing with the vandalism of things like public buildings, monuments, benches, and bins.

If graffiti is offensive (that is, hate related) or it is happening now please contact the police.

If your home or a part of a Melin property has been vandalised, then please report it to us.

Hoarding/unsanitary conditions

If you have concerns about a Melin neighbour hoarding, or living in unsanitary conditions, please contact us as soon as possible.

If you are concerned about the safety of someone else, contact the police immediately.