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Back to Antisocial behaviour

Report ASB

You can report anti-social behaviour to us in lots of different ways, either fill in the form on our Contact page (select ‘Report antisocial behaviour’ in the Reason to contact dropdown menu). There are other ways to contact us – all details are on the Contact page.

Anonymous complaints

We will make a record of all anonymous reports of anti-social behaviour, however we will not normally act on these complaints unless they can be verified by our staff or where we can gain additional evidence.

If the situation is not an emergency, but requires police advice and intervention, please call 101.

If there is an immediate emergency and you or anyone else is in danger, please call 999.

ASB Case Review

If you have reported an incident of ASB and you’re unhappy with how it’s being dealt with then the ASB Case Review (formerly known as a Community Trigger) may be useful for you.

If you have reported an incident three or more times within a six-month period and not received a satisfactory response, you can activate the ASB Case Review through your Local Authority.

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Safeguarding is about protecting the rights of an adult, young person or child to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

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Other useful contacts

For specific help regarding crime, hate crimes, charities offering assistance, and reporting concerns about a child. Both local and national.

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