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Car parking

If your neighbour is parking in a manner which obstructs your ability to enter or leave your home and/or allocated parking space, start by speaking to them first, they may not be aware their actions are causing you a problem.

If your designated parking bay in a Melin-owned car park is being routinely obstructed by a neighbour, you can report this to us.

Parking on a public highway is regulated by the local authority and issues with dangerous or illegal parking can be reported to the police.

Noise from vehicles

Persistent noise from vehicles such as revving engines, loud car exhausts or stereos can be irritating, but Melin has little or no remit to deal with incidents that occur on a road, pavement, or verges (also known as a public highway). Any concerns relating to a vehicle need to be reported to your local authority's environmental health team.

Dangerous driving

Melin has little or no remit to deal with incidents that occur on a road, pavement, or verges (also known as a public highway). If you believe that a Road Traffic Offence has been committed, such as speeding or dangerous driving, you should report the incident and circumstances as soon as possible to Gwent Police by contacting 101 or in an emergency 999.

Obstructive parking

We should all do our best to park politely, using bays where we can and not causing any obstructions or hindrances to the road, accesses, and pavement.

If your neighbour parks in a way that hinders or blocks the access to your home, or allocated parking space, start by speaking to them first. They may be unaware that their actions are causing you a problem.

If this does not resolve the issue, you can contact us and we can contact your neighbour. It may be that your neighbour, or their visitors, are unaware of parking arrangements. This can be the case when residents are new to the area.

However, if the vehicle is on a public highway and breaching local parking regulations, you can contact your local authority who may be able to issue a Penalty Charge Notice.