Your responsibilities
Some tips on keeping the inside of your home in good condition. Make sure that you, your family or your visitors don’t damage your home either accidentally or deliberately.
We have dedicated teams across Melin who cover all areas that are governed by regulations and legislation.
We employ staff and contractors to carry out tests and servicing in communal areas. This is to keep you safe.
We are legally required to carry out a gas safety check every 12 months.
This helps to keep you, your family and neighbours safe and ensures your appliances are working efficiently.
We’ll get in touch when yours is due, you can then arrange an appointment for us to come out and check it all over for free. It is really important to keep your appointment with us as it helps keep you and your family safe.
If for any reason you need to rearrange the appointment you booked with us, please give us as much notice as possible, as your gas safety certificate is only valid for 12 months from the date of your last gas safety check.
When we have completed your gas safety check we will either email or post your certificate.
Please do not tamper with the gas pipes in your home, report any issues to us.
We have a legal obligation to ensure the electrical installation in your property is safe.
It is recommended best practice that an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is carried out every five years, this helps to keep you, your family and neighbours safe.
The test can take between two and four hours to complete, we will check to make sure there is no deterioration to cabling or to any switches or sockets.
We will replace any broken accessories and repair any faults that we may find, this is to make sure that your home is safe for continued use.
We will also check to see if your smoke detectors are present and are in working order.
You will receive a letter from us when it’s time for your electrical test to be carried out. Get in touch with us when you receive this letter to book your appointment. If for any reason you need to rearrange the appointment you booked, please give us as much notice as possible.
We test all our electrical equipment in communal areas, this can be small stairways with just a few lights to our larger sheltered communal areas. This is makes sure that all our buildings are well maintained and safe for use.
Please do not tamper with the electricity in your home, report any issues to us.
What we do – in blocks of flats, communal areas and sheltered schemes:
What is your responsibility?
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service have some helpful safety information which we have shared below.
White goods refer to the electrical appliances you might use within your home. This could be your tumble dryer, washing machine, dishwasher or fridge/freezer. Fires can occur if white goods are used without care or without following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the use and maintenance of the appliance. Don’t overload plug sockets – the high wattage for washing machines and dishwashers mean that they need their own 13-amp socket. Don’t leave the washing machine or dishwasher running overnight or while you are out.
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the use and maintenance of the appliance.
Don't overload plug sockets – the high wattage for a tumble drier means it needs its own 13amp socket. Keep an eye out for any scorching or burning, including checking any visible electrical wires.
Don’t leave appliances unattended. Don’t turn the tumble drier on before you leave the house or go to bed. Tumble driers contain powerful motors with fast moving parts that can get very hot.
Keep your drier well ventilated, make sure the vent pipe is kink free and not blocked or crushed in any way.
Always allow each drying programme, including the cool down cycle, to complete fully before emptying the machine. If you stop the machine mid cycle the clothing will still be hot.
Don’t ignore warning signs – if you can smell burning or clothes feel hotter at the end of the cycle, stop using your appliance and have it checked out by a competent person.
Always ensure that you place your fridge/ freezer away from flammable materials. Don’t place a fridge/freezer next to a cooker, radiator or direct sunlight as it makes the appliance work harder to stay cold. Never block the ventilation on the appliance and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
All white goods should be accompanied by the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use and maintain properly. Make sure you read instructions thoroughly and only use your appliance as directed. Always ensure you register your new appliance with the manufacturer so you can be contacted with safety information should this be needed.
You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions provided when you buy the appliance and be fully aware of how to correctly use and maintain your appliance. Register your appliance so that you can be made aware by the manufacturer of any defect or recall. Make sure that you have working smoke alarms and know how to react in the event of a fire. Visit your local Fire and Rescue Service website for more information.
Follow the advice on your manufacturer’s instruction booklet, on the Electrical Safety First website or contact a qualified electrician.
Working smoke alarms are not a substitute to ensuring that you follow manufacturer’s advice and use your appliances responsibly. Working smoke alarms save lives – make sure you have smoke alarms correctly fitted and that you test the alarms regularly, we recommend once a week. Make sure you and your family have a bedtime routine that makes sure your home is safe.
Have an escape plan for your family in case a fire does occur. If a fire does occur, get out of the property as quickly as possible. Smoke can be extremely toxic particularly where electrical appliances are involved and just a few breaths can be lethal. Don’t go back into the house to save possessions.
Some tips on keeping the inside of your home in good condition. Make sure that you, your family or your visitors don’t damage your home either accidentally or deliberately.
While building insurance is already set up for your home, we recommend that you take out cover to safeguard your possessions.