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Safeguarding is about protecting the rights of an adult, young person or child to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is also about doing as much as possible to prevent abuse from happening by raising awareness and understanding.

Safeguarding is everybody’s business.

Signs of abuse

We all have a role in spotting when things aren’t right. It is especially important we are all aware of signs to look out for, which may indicate someone is at risk of harm or abuse:

  • Unusual injuries, including bruises, burns, fractures, bite marks or signs of self-harm.
  • Consistently poor hygiene, poor living conditions or inappropriate clothing.
  • Communicating aggressively or using sexual language.
  • Appearing withdrawn, guarded, anxious or frightened, particularly around certain individuals.
  • Hearing or seeing shouting, violence, or intimidation.
  • Adults keeping children, or adults in need of support, from view.
  • Unsupervised children visiting a house where only adults live.

What to do about abuse

If you are being abused or think someone else is being abused, you should tell someone. Don’t assume that someone else will tell and don’t worry if you think you might be wrong – it is still important for someone with experience and responsibility to look into it. Social Services have a legal duty to do this.

If you or someone you know is being abused and is in immediate danger, you need to do something straight away to stop them or others being hurt. You should ring 999 and tell the operator what is happening.

If you are concerned about someone else, you should report it to your local council.

For further information

The National Independent Safeguarding Board was set up under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. You can find out more about the Board and what they do by visiting their website.

The Ann Craft Trust website is full of information and resources.

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