Council Tax
Is your amount of Council Tax paid correct? Looking for more information from your local authority?
The Council are responsible for collecting your recycling and rubbish. Simply select your local authority area to find out what days your collections are.
When rubbish is allowed to build up, or it is not disposed of carefully, that is when it can become a hazard and attract pests such as rats.
Please make sure you use a registered waste carrier to remove unwanted household items and excess rubbish from your home.
Local authorities are responsible for dealing with most types of small-scale fly-tipping on publicly owned land including roads and lay-bys.
These can be taken to charity shops or clothes banks. To find your nearest one, go to your local authority website and search ‘clothes bank’.
Most supermarkets have a battery recycling facility where you can leave your old batteries.
If you have access to a vehicle, you can take rubbish and recycling, or small electrical items, white goods, old bicycles etc to one of the local centres. Most are by prior arrangement, and you can book your visit through the local authority website.
By recycling as much as you can and by keeping your street clear of rubbish you can:
Is your amount of Council Tax paid correct? Looking for more information from your local authority?
How you can help us by keeping the inside of your home in good condition.