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Energy efficiency and saving money

An illustration of a ceiling lamp

To help you make a difference to both your household finances and the environment, we have put together some top tips which may help you to reduce the amount of energy you use and save you money in the process...

Saving energy

  • If you are out of the house for long periods of time, use the timer to switch your central heating off and on when you go out and come back, so it’s not heating your home when you’re not in.
  • Try charging your phone in the day when you can keep an eye on when it is fully charged, instead of leaving it overnight.
  • Fit low energy light bulbs when replacing traditional ones.
  • Remember, lowering your heating by one degree can save you money.
  • Ask your energy supplier for a smart meter or a smart meter display. Smart meters not only help with accurate meter readings, they can also help you to save money by setting a budget with your energy use. Smart meter readings are more accurate because your usage information can be sent to your supplier every half hour, day or month. You choose when, so no more estimated bills.

Keep warm and save

  • By stopping draughts, you can prevent heat escaping. You can do this by closing curtains as soon as it starts to get dark and by putting draught excluders by doors.
  • Make sure to keep doors and windows closed when heating your home. You’ll use less energy to keep your home warm. It is important to keep a ventilated home, but open windows and doors when your heating is off.
  • Try keeping internal doors closed and curtains shut at night to help keep the heat in your home.
  • Use the correct tog duvet for the weather (low tog in summer and high tog in winter) to avoid having to use the heating unnecessarily.

Switch off and save

  • Many of your electrical items, such as TVs, have a standby mode that they go into when they’re not in use, but they’re still using electricity and costing you money.
  • Save on average £30 a year by switching off TVs and other electrical items. Create a routine to switch off before bed or work, or you can use a timer on the socket, so you don’t have to try to remember.

Wash and save

  • Wash clothes and dishes at a lower temperature to save energy and money.
  • Washing clothes at 30º rather than 40º uses less electricity and can save you up to £6 per year. If you can cut out one wash cycle per week, you’ll save money off your annual energy bill.
  • Tumble dryers can be an expensive source of electricity. Only use them when you have to.
  • Put washing out to dry whenever possible, as opposed to drying on radiators inside the home. Drying clothes on radiators can generate up to nine pints of water which can cause damp and condensation. It also restricts the heat emitted by the radiators, so your home isn’t heating as it should do. If you can’t dry your clothes outside, use a clothes horse inside the home as an alternative.
  • Make sure that you only turn your dishwasher and washing machine on when they’re full.
  • You can save around £25 a year by washing up in a bowl rather than using a running tap.
  • Perhaps put a clock in the bathroom so you can encourage yourself or members of your family to have quicker showers.

Cook and save

  • By cooking meals in bulk and freezing some for later you can save on energy as you will be using cooking appliances less.
  • Where possible you can use the microwave instead of the oven as they use less energy.
  • If you keep lids on pans, you will prevent condensation and keep the heat in the pan with your food too. If you are using a kettle when cooking, make sure you only boil the amount of water you need.
  • Kettles use a lot of electricity, try only boiling the amount of water you need for your tea/coffee.

Shop and save

  • When it’s time to buy a new white good, such as a washing machine, choose one with a high energy-efficiency rating. This will save you money.

Too Good to Go

  • There is an app which you can download on your mobile phone called Too Good To Go. It allows you to find local restaurants and food shops that are selling left over stock at a reduced price. Chains such as Coop, Morrisons, Greggs and Toby Carvery are on there, and you can use it to bag a local bargain.

Recycle and upcycle clothes

  • Look after your clothes and try not to buy disposable fashion.
  • Visit for ideas on how to upcycle clothes.
  • Shopping at your local charity shops is a great idea for the environment and your purse strings.

Repair shops

  • Take your broken appliances to a local repair and reuse store. If you search on Facebook or Instagram there are lots of these charities popping up. They try and fix any broken appliances, and you can pay a small amount to borrow items too.
  • Repair Café Wales opens and supports repair cafes across Wales you can visit their website or their Facebook page.
  • Some repair shops in the area include RE:MAKE Newport and Repair Café Monmouth

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