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Back to Your home

Your responsibilities

Please keep the inside of your home in good condition. Make sure that you, your family or your visitors don’t damage your home either accidentally or deliberately.

An illustration of a welcome mat

How you can help us

  • Making sure that you report repairs to us as soon as possible;
  • Making sure you keep repair appointments with us, or let us know as soon as possible if you need to change the date;
  • Making sure your home is in good decorative and clean condition during your tenancy to make any repair and improvements easier for us to do;
  • Making sure that you ventilate your property, by opening windows regularly and ensuring that you use bathroom and kitchen extractor fans.

We understand that some residents may require more assistance with repairs that are not Melin’s responsibility. If you or your family cannot undertake the repairs yourself, please contact us and we will put you in touch with someone who can help you.

For everything else

Keeping your home in good condition is really important to us and we know it is to you as well, that's why we have a programme of planned maintenance to make sure things like windows, doors, kitchens and bathrooms are updated.

Sometimes things do go wrong and you will need to let us know when they do.

Polite parking

More of us own a car, and many households own more than one vehicle, so please think about where you’re parking, as inconsiderate parking can sometimes cause disagreements between neighbours.

We all want to park close to our front doors, however in multiple car households this isn’t always going to be possible, so please be considerate when finding somewhere to park.

Visitors should be asked to park in visitor bays where they are provided.

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